A model for the promotion of a system and itsproducts of excellence
The Biella Chamber of Commerce sustained the conception and now the further development of the Cubes in Motion project. Initiated in 2006, this original and innovative scheme for promotion has succeeded in joining three different “worlds” in a unique way: those of art, the artisan and typical local production.
The support of the Chamber of Commerce came about because of the double objectives of the project: to make known the territory and the biellese products through art. The “exhibited cubes” are in fact artistic objects, but with a very precise value: to tell the story of the place they come from both through their very presence and the products that they contain inside. In other words, the cubes symbolically represent the biellese territory, diverse but homogenous, a territory that makes excellence the distinguishing characteristic of its true value.
The conception of the cubes was entrusted to artists from different countries and cultures (Portugal, Bosnia Herzegovina, England, France, Spain, Columbia, Scotland, Turkey, India and Italy), meanwhile their realisation was left to the biellese master artisans with whom the artists were asked to team up and collaborate. We must emphasise the synergy between artist and artisan, united in a common creative and productive effort.
The Chamber of Commerce has always looked for this, it being one of their objectives: to stimulate and to support. Creativity united with “know-how” is in fact one of the recipes for success in our province.
The world of the craftsman constitutes the productive niche that is bound to the biellese territory, while the artists, who come from different countries and cultures, bring an external vision and innovative elements. The cubes, made from glass, iron, stone, wood, clay and aluminium contain typical biellese products, they function as ambassadors and communicators of our identity, ready to be touched and tasted. We hope that they leave you with a positive memory and sow the seeds of new opportunities for our land.
Maria Paola Cometti, General Secretary, Biella Chamber of Commerce