Many are the suggestions, requests and topics that spring and develop from this territory. They have at their centre manual ability and creativity and together the skills built over time by artisans.
Cittadellarte-Fondazione Pistoletto, thanks to its cultural heritage that is derived from accumulated skills, is today looking to revisit the rich period of production from the 1960’s and 70’s in an innovative, experimental and new way. The global market, the production processes and the tumultuous development of a society in continuous evolution, constrains everyone including businesses and institutions to take into account the public’s changing taste.
The development of the Cubes in Motion project helps to multiply the idea to promote collaboration, activate resources and at the same time put into relation institutions, universities, associations and businesses and fuels the synergy between art and handcrafts, through design and historical tradition.
The Piedmont Region, through the route of the Artisan of Excellence, has in these years promoted and facilitated the meeting between business and the market, as well as the designer, artist and artisan, knowing that this is the correct path to take for renovating organisational models, constructing new aesthetic and productive lines, and creating more space and opportunities.
The recent approval from the Piedmont Regional Council of the new Artisan Act (Law 1/09) goes in this direction: it gives new impetus to the promotion of an innovative and dynamic craftsmanship relying on the capacity of Piedmont to create “networks”.
Cubes in Motion interprets the varied and rich panorama of innovative quality products that can be found now more than ever in a positive response to the market. They have at their disposal a high visibility and find consensus from an intelligent public.
Paolo Peveraro, Vice President and Councillor for Handcrafts, Piedmont Region