Today more than ever the typical artisan product is experienced as a cultural act, a symbol of past civilisation and an indication towards a future civilisation. This historic-cultural value remains today the best tool for communicating the excellence of production from those small businesses which, strongly rooted in the territory, are depositories for ancient know-how.
But how can we communicate all of this in an incisive and emotional way? And how can we furnish the artisans with new elements in order to enhance their know-how, in order to modernise, projecting into a future where technology and creativity give a nod and a wink to tradition?
In 2002 in Biella, a promotion consortium named “La Tavola dell’Orso” was active. They were made up from a group of businesses that had in common a production of excellence and met around the traditional biellese table.
With the Tavola dell’Orso, we knocked on Cittadellarte’s door asking for a collaboration in order to unite the know-how of artisans with the creative know-how of artists. Thus was born the first event “ The Ten Artists’ Tables”. Ten artists chosen by Michelangelo Pistoletto interpreted typical biellese products in as many installations.
This experience gave me a measure of the validity of the chosen path, but already by the evening, with the event not even finished, I thought that to present and communicate an artisan product in the best way, it is necessary to place it into its territorial context and that somehow it is necessary to bring this territory with you. It was thought of as a scenario that would put into relation the artisan production of the biellese across the board. Some artisans would realise the biellese containers, others would position the most significant artisan products of excellence.
All this according to the recipe that the artists were experimenting
with and developing. We spoke with Paolo Naldini and then with the CNA. So a working group of three came into being, the objective was the construction of a reusable installation that responded to the guidelines: to be representative of a historical cultural identity, to be naturalistic, produced by the biellese, transportable and adaptable to any kind of exhibition situation.
A kind of itinerant “Embassy of the Territory”, available to companies and local entities for promotion and in synergy with them. Now this idea has been translated into a reality by the Production Office of Cittadellarte with the Cubes in Motion, the biellese territory and its artisans of excellence provide a fantastic new visitors pass where, through the communication of the quality of a product, a quality of life is expressed that must be at the foundations of a new revival of the biellese territory.
Enrico Rosso, Owner, Caseificio Rosso